Friday, December 18, 2020



SK Temong Students Who Won The Animated Film Award in Brazil Will Receive Incentives


December 14, 2020 05:04 MYT


Macgres Sawet and Nabiatul Dania Zulfiqa won the award for their short animated film in the     primary school category through a work entitled 'Batu Bijanjii'. –photoBERNAMA


TEBEDU: The Sarawak State Government will give incentives to two Year Five students of SK Temong who won the 'Best Film By Popular Jury' award at the Escola de Alvorada (Fecea) Cinema Festival or the recent Alvorada International Schools Film Festival, said state Education, Science and Technology Research Minister Datuk Amar Michael Manyin Jawong.

Manyin said the incentive was rewarded for their outstanding achievements and he would personally meet the two students to congratulate and increase the amount of incentives.

"The award won by both students at the international level is make us feel very proud," he said after officiating the completion of the upgrading work of St Paul Church in Kampung Tema Saan here yesterday.

Macgres Sawet and Nabiatul Dania Zulfiqa won the award for their short animated film in the primary school category through a work entitled 'Batu Bijanjii' which means agreement stone in the Bidayuh Bisadung dialect.

Manyin, who is also the Tebedu State Assemblyman, said SK Temong is one of the largest primary schools in the area and has about 200 students.

He said two years ago, the school also won an award at the state level in a competition organized by his ministry.

"They (SK Temong) have done a very good job and achieved such excellent success," he said.

Manyin said there were also plans to upgrade the school building by adding another block.

Commenting on the upgrading work of the 50-year-old St Paul Church, he said it was done in four phases which started last year and were completed recently at a cost of more than RM200,000.


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